Establishing business centers in target countries is an effective measure to facilitate exports. Business centers are considered as Iran’s commercial embassies in the target countries and have responsibilities that include providing legal and tax advice and logistical support.
Facilitating financial transfers, providing the necessary facilities for the businessmen of the two countries and the policy of dealing with the countries that have created problems in the commercial relations of the two countries. Holding business conferences and meetings, B2B negotiations, participation in holding international exhibitions, exchange of business delegations and holding conferences and training courses are other services of these centers in the target countries.
These centers are established and operate under the supervision of the Trade Development Organization of Iran, and based on the guidelines available in Iran’s trade centers abroad, services include legal and marketing consultations and services, administrative services, warehousing, renting a place to display products or establishing an office by Iranian exporters. , business tourism services, holding business events, etc. are offered to Iranian companies and businessmen who are interested in participating in the market of the mentioned countries, or businessmen of the countries where the business center is built.
Commercial centers are very important in developing trade between Iran and target countries and increasing the volume of Iran’s exports to these countries.

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